excavating the room (2019)


excavating the room began with a reoccurring dream I've had since childhood, and has turned into an inquiry about the where of artistic labor as a kind of memory work and the architectures in which this labor takes up residence. It is about how my body fits into temporal structures that act like live dermal archives of family, past, and conceptions of home. It is about how these structures become a place to commune and share. It is about dwelling in the gaps of openings between the known and the unknown of the past. excavating the room is an iterative performance. 

Collaborators include Norman Douglas McDonald (words) and Julio Efrain Dominguez (scenic), and draws inspiration from the writings of artists Madeline Gins and Arakawa, Eyal Weisman, and Chris Krauss.

excavating the room is also connected to an essay of the same name soon to be published in Movement Research Performance Journal. 

Performances: Emergency Index, The Jam Handy, Detroit and Lion’s Jaw Festival, Cambridge